
Physician Schema Markup

Physician Schema Markup Highlights Healthcare Professionals and Networks For many, frustration with the American healthcare system starts when with the first step: finding the right physician. This type of healthcare schema markup can powerfully showcase your physicians’ and provider’s expertise and help potential patients find them online. It can include specific medical information for query […]

Digital Marketing Google Medical Search SEO

Dental Marketing

How Practices Thrive From Dental Marketing Services Dental practices need SEO to stay at the forefront and build trust and loyalty among prospective patients. In the highly competitive healthcare and dentistry niche, it’s crucial to stay ahead and provide value-added dental answers and information. Being “findable” on the Internet requires constantly evolving and adaptive healthcare […]

E-Commerce Google JSON SEO

Google Image Search

Google Image Search in the World of Generative AI Experiences The importance of including great imagery to support your content Incorporating engaging and informative images in your content marketing can enhance brand recall, reinforce your message, and highlight key points in your articles. Search engine result pages (SERPs) are becoming increasingly visual. Meaning that you […]

JSON Rich Snippets Schema Semantic SEO Structured Data

SEO Schema

How SEO Schema Helps Solve Disambiguation Schema markup can give websites advantages well beyond rich results by clarifying what you say and your content’s context. Schema markup is a great way to overcome brand and content ambiguity challenges by providing additional information and context for your entities. Where statements in your content could be taken one […]

Artificial Intelligence Google JSON SEO Structured Data

Google Entity Search

Advanced SEO Tactics for Google Entity Search Application knowledge of how entities play a role in search engine results pages (SERPs) is a critical SEO skill. Learn how to use tools like the Google Cloud Natural Language API for Entity Analysis Understanding and optimizing for entities is no longer an option but a necessity for businesses […]

Digital Marketing E-Commerce Mobile Advertising SEO

Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies

Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies for Emerging AI Trends The convergence of Artificial Intelligence and CRO has pushed forward a new era of data-driven decision-making and optimization strategies. The former mindset of hiring an SEO and CRO has merged. Effective conversion rate optimization (CRO) strategies have evolved and now demand alignment across marketing teams working in […]


Semantic Triples Assist Knowledge Graph Embeddings

How Semantic Triples Assist Knowledge Graph Embeddings Semantic triples and knowledge graph embeddings help content creators establish the topic hubs for which the business entity wants to be recognized. Semantic triples are helpful to organizing and categorizing website content so that search engines can understand, rank, and populate knowledge panels easily. A set of three […]


Google’s HowTo and FAQ Rich Results

Huge Change to Google’s HowTo and FAQ Rich Results Google announces reducing the visibility of HowTo and FAQ rich results in search. The August 8, 2023 announcement shocked many SEOs. However, we already see “Ask a follow up” question in the beta version of Google’s Search Generative Experience (SGE). Knowing the SGE may fully roll […]

Artificial Intelligence Schema SEO

Using AI and Knowledge Graphs to Maximize Content

How to use AI and Knowledge Graphs to Maximize Content Knowledge panels are hard-won and highly coveted, yet many SEOs and content writers find them mysterious aspects of organic search. Today, we know that large language models (LLMs) are still in early development; and that SEO schema markup is ideal for training machine learning. From […]

Artificial Intelligence Google Semantic SEO

Ask A Follow-Up Question

What is “Ask a Follow Up” Question in Google’s SGE? Within Google’s new AI-powered Search Generative Experience (SGE), new Question Answering SERPs are emerging; like “Ask a follow up”. It just takes a click on the “Ask a follow up” button or on one of the suggested next steps under the snapshot. This feature empowers […]

JSON Rich Snippets Schema SEO

Implementing How-To Schema Markup

How to Add How-To Schema to Websites You can not only gain How-to rich results but also an How-to Action for the Google Assistant. Before we learn how, let’s explain why you should use HowTo schema markup. Google is driven to provide searchers with informational intent to gain the best instructional search engine page results […]

Google Rich Snippets Schema Semantic SEO

Google’s Search History of “People Also Search For”

History of “People Also Search For” in Google Search Google is continuously testing numerous designs of the “People Also Search For” (PASF) feature and has been working on them in both desktop and mobile results for years. We see more revisions and expansions as Google’s Generative AI Answer capabilities evolve. This article covers the history […]

Google Schema SEO

Improve FAQ Schema with Google’s Tools

Best Google Tools to Improve FAQ Schema This essential schema type extends far beyond your chances of gaining eligibility for enhanced listings in Google’s search results. Whether you do or don’t gain a Google-enhanced listing, or show up in People Also Ask (PAA), all search engines will better understand your question-answer content and expertise. When […]

Digital Marketing E-Commerce SEO

How to Create Perfect Product Pages

How do you create a perfect product page? Your product pages are of critical importance on your website. Naturally, then, you want to create a perfect product page. Great product pages help convert browsers into buyers. They lower your paid search costs. Also, importantly, they provide your customers with the information they need to make […]

JSON Rich Snippets Schema Semantic SEO Structured Data

How to Avoid Schema Markup Drift

How to Avoid Schema Markup Drift A site ontology needs to be consistent to avoid risks of ineffective structured data implementation increase. Google structure data updates occur quite often. This is not under your control. Staying current may mean keeping your products findable or even helping you avoid a manual penalty. Creating high-quality content […]

Artificial Intelligence Digital Marketing Google SEO

ChatGPT and Generative AI Make Expert Authors More Valuable

ChatGPT and Generative AI Still Need Expert Authors Does ChatGPT do better marketing? Are Generative AI Tools more of a threat or help to Authors? Effective content marketing is more important the content ease and volume. More low-quality content can never compete with sincere attempts to publish the best page on a specific topic. I’m […]

Google Machine Learning SEO Structured Data

Knowledge Graph Question Answering

What is Google’s Knowledge Graph Question Answer Feature? Knowledge graph question answering (KGQA) is taking a lot of real estate in search engine result pages (SERPs). Google’s Knowledge Graph question answering feature answers users’ queries without requiring them to click through to a website. Every search engine is hoping to return the best information based […]

JSON Schema Semantic SEO Structured Data

Pros and Cons of Implementing Structured Data

Assessing the Pros and Cons of Structured Data Implementation In today’s era of the semantic web, understanding the pros and cons of implementing structured data is giving businesses a lead advantage. Many SEOs are passionate about the power of implementing structured data (SD) but need help with convincing executives to implement it. This article and […]

E-Commerce Google SEO

Google Shopping Results

Google Shopping Results offer Visual Assistance to Buyers Updated 4.17.2024 The Google visual shopping experience for consumers on both desktop and mobile is rapidly expanding to show more product and shopping options. It is exciting to see additional highly-visual Google search engine result pages (SERPs) become more robust. They offer a more comprehensive selection of […]

Google SEO

Google’s Helpful Content Algorithm Update

Google’s Helpful Content Update so Users Find Useful Information Google’s intent is to diminish ‘Search-Engine First’ content and escalate helpful, trusted content in search. The helpful content algorithm update is targeting ‘unhelpful content’ with its new update. It wants to avoid content that users find problematic. The SEOs that have wrongly pressed for content quantity […]

Google SEO

Automated Messaging’s FAQ Feature in Google Business Profiles

How to Set Up Answers to FAQ Feature in Google Business Profiles This new messaging feature increases your search space on Google for providing direct answers to your target audience. Messaging in Google Maps and Google Search is meant to make it easier for customers. Additionally, it helps businesses lacking resources to quickly respond to […]

Google SEO

People Also Search For

Gain Visibility in Google’s Mobile “People Also Search For” Feature A guide to improving your SEO, SEM, and content performance by helping users gain a deeper understanding of a topic on your website. Google fully rolled out the “People Also Search For” query refinement box on Feb 13, 2018. When people are searching, they seek […]

Digital Marketing SEO

Marketing Alignment

Marketing Alignment with SEO and Content is Needed for a Multi-Modal Approach Updated 11.7.2023 A multi-modal approach demands marketing alignment with SEO strategies for everyone else involved in attaining business goals. Success requires teams to stop building go-to-market strategies independently. Digital marketing managers, SEO consultants, and content writers don’t just solve problems; they show opportunities. […]

Machine Learning Semantic SEO

What is Semantic Search?

What is Semantic Search & Why It Matters for SEO Updated 1.18.2022 Businesses can provide more value to their target audience’s needs by using modern semantic search techniques. You’ve meticulously created your web of data so that it’s rich in internal and external customer information. But to truly be effective, their contextual signals need to […]

E-Commerce Medical Search SEO

Healthcare Content Strategy for E-E-A-T & YMYL Criteria

How to Create a Content Strategy to Meet E-E-A-T and YMYL Criteria Updated 3.10.2023 To boost E-E-A-T signals for YMYL sites, you need recognition of your expertise, trust referrals, and to create authoritative, link-worthy content. How much the Google E-E-A-T update impacts your site depends on many factors. One thing is clear, it changes how […]

Audits Google SEO

How to Optimize for Google Core Web Vitals

How to Optimize for the Core Web Vitals and Provide Better UX Experiences Upated 4.24.2023 Fixing poor user experiences on a business’s site has moved to the top of many priority lists. One thing we know already is that Google plans to use and build on its new Google Search Console Core Web Vitals Report. […]

Analytics Google SEO

New Search Console Insights

How to Use New Google Search Console Insights Google is introducing new Search Console Insights via beta; it is live for some website for beta testing. What are the new Search Console Insights meant for? They are generated with the intent to increase an understanding of how audiences discover their site’s content from a Google […]

Digital Marketing E-Commerce SEO

When Business Growth Demands New Digital Markets

Digital Transformation and COVID-19 have Changed Business Forever Updated 8.25.2022 Business growth drivers are now more reliant on digital trends and how consumers search and find products online. The coronavirus is driving digital communications – especially on mobile. Your business growth demands may be pressing the need to pivot and fuel new ways to win […]

Google Mobile Advertising SEO

How to Gain Google Local Pack SERP Features

How to Get Your Website in the Google Maps Local Pack Your business can gain more visibility in Google Maps search results by following the basic strategies of local pack optimization. Getting your company featured in Google’s local 3-pack, Google Snack Pack, or Google Maps Pack may improve the number of your store visits, sales, […]

Digital Marketing Semantic SEO

How Search Intent is Reshaping Consumer Journey Mapping

Search Intent is Reshaping Consumer Journey Mapping Updated 6.20.2024 Digital marketing changes most when it comes to the marketing funnel and purchase journey. Today, nothing more powerful than search intent. Consumers have moved past a linear path from awareness to consideration to purchase. They are distilling and broadening their purchase process in unique and unpredictable […]

Artificial Intelligence SEO Voice Search

Conversational AI and the Rise of Chatbots

Conversational AI and the Adoption of Chatbots are Disrupting Search Updated 9.26.2022 Amid the entire buzz about voice search comes along another digital marketplace disruptor: Digital Assistants. Indeed, voice search is disrupting the world of text-based searches, but it is only part of the larger shift on how businesses need to think about communications with […]

Analytics Digital Marketing SEO

Customer-Centric Engagement Strategies for User-focused Content

User-Engagement Strategies that Drive Customer-Centric Marketing Updated 8.25.2022 Rapidly evolving consumer requirements and search engines’ intense dedication to producing trusted answers that meet search intent to qualify as having customer centric engagement strategies. It means that businesses are forced to get laser-focused on what users want and how they make buying decisions. It is all […]

Digital Marketing SEO

SEO Social Media Marketing Strategies

Why SEO Hubs Social Media Marketing: Advanced Social Strategies Your social media marketing strategy is the backbone to scheduling standout content that people on social media platforms engage with. More recently, social and retail are merging with the vast expanse of new ‘buy now’ functionality in social content. Social media needs to be an integrated […]

Digital Marketing Mobile Advertising SEO

Google Expands Video Marketing To Reach Wider Audiences

How to Maximize Your Video Marketing Efforts to Reach a Wider Audience Updated 12.11.2023 Every business is pressed to provide its viewers with the best video viewing environment on their website, in AdWords display marketing, and mobile video advertising. Video is one of the most versatile and profitable digital marketing tools in existence. That is […]

AdWords Mobile Advertising SEO

Mobile Advertising Checklist: Better CTR & Conversion Rates

Moving to a mobile-first marketing focus is helping search experts to build proper bids in Google’s Money Machine, AdWords. Learn how to operate very targeted mobile marketing campaigns by evaluating your ad copy, landing pages and CTR. In the last five years, mobile marketing and in-app advertising have been successful forms of digital advertising that […]

Digital Marketing SEO

Is SEO Effective? Changes in SEO Best Practices

Is SEO Effective? Results-Driven Search Marketing Trends SEO and SEM specialists continually refine their SEO techniques and search marketing strategies. SEO is not only effective if done right, SEO is the Gift that Keeps Giving! Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is another angle and effective method to try and increase brand awareness and relevant traffic on […]

Digital Marketing Mobile Advertising SEO

Content Marketing that Incorporates a Mobile Strategy for 2023

How to Create the Best Content Marketing Mobile Strategy to Reach Ideal Clients Updated 12.29.2022 Businesses cluing into the importance of high quality, niche-targeted content ideal for mobile audiences, find that their content marketing mobile strategy pays off. Unlike some marketing strategies that target a broad range of likely customers, niche marketing focuses on a […]

E-Commerce JSON Mobile Advertising Schema SEO

Schema Enhanced Retail AMP Pages for Best PPC Performance

How to Prepare your Retail AMP Pages for Top PPC Performance Are you still trying to sell your wares from the back of a pickup truck? Or have you advanced your mobile marketing strategies to fast-loading mobile pages and to leveraging AdWords? Today, even organic search is highlighting retail pages within the Google Shopping tab. […]

Google Mobile Advertising SEO Voice Search

Google Assistant Directory Page Setup for Personalized Search

How to Personalize your Google Assistant Directory Page Updated 10.5.2023 With the rise of voice search, personalizing your own Google Assistant Directory Page and early adoption of this structured-data powered content is allowing publishers to claim their brand new Google Actions page in the Assistant directory. Given the exploding number of ways to use the […]

Mobile Advertising SEO

Improve Website Performance Metrics That Boost Engagement

How to Improve Website Performance for Meaningful User Engagement Updated 3.5.2023 When it comes to SEO, change is a constant. Every year user demands and search engines’ capacity is improvised, expands, and improves. Changes to mobile search preference and algorithm updates have inspired new technologies, which in turn places more weight on website performance. On […]

Digital Marketing Google SEO

Google Maps Marketing to Promote Your Business

How to Use Google Maps Marketing to Boost Your Business Updated 11.07.2022 Learn how to create a powerful Google Maps Marketing Strategy and use it in your marketing arsenal. From optimizing your Google My Business Listing to adding compelling images, business promotions, and responding to client reviews, you can boost sales. Google maps are now […]

AdWords Mobile Advertising SEO

Google Image Guidelines and Leveraging Structured Data Images

Google Image Guidelines and Adding Structured Data Images Updated June 24, 2024 Advances in visual search are shaping how images are added to a site as well as all forms of visual content. Google SERPs are producing more photo-first local search results. Your images can be sourced in Google Shopping results more often – if […]

Semantic SEO

How to use Informational Long Tail Keywords

How to use Informational Long-Tail Keywords To Drive Web Traffic Updated 11.0.2022 Updated SEO tactics that target and marking up possible long-tail keyword phrases will help your website gain better visibility in search results where you want it most. Use them for a better way to connect with potential buyers. Search marketers are asking themselves […]

Mobile Advertising SEO

How to Improve Your Mobile Search Results

How to Improve Your Mobile Search Results The mobile web is favored by users and of strategic importance to Google’s AMP initiative and our explosive world of Native Apps. More individuals are leaning first on their mobile devices to conduct search queries. This creates a huge need to improve your mobile search results and rankings […]

SEO Structured Data

Indexing your Website Faster

Indexing your Website Faster with the Google Index Coverage Fixing Report Updated 2.6.2024 With Google improving our ability to use live testing for Technical SEO fixes, and its shortened wait time for re-crawling web pages submitted to be re-indexed, you can respond to user preferences faster. All four leading search engines, Google, Bing, Yahoo, and […]

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning SEO

Conduct Deep Learning Optimization to Meet User Intent

How to Conduct Deep Learning Optimization to Meet User Intent Updated 2.2.2022 To align with where search trends in deep learning, start by having a user-focused approach to what should be on your web pages. Artificial Intelligence and deep learning are quickly changing how industries like healthcare and financial services are successful in the online […]

Audits E-Commerce SEO

Solving E-Commerce Website SEO Technical Issues

Solving SEO ECommerce Site Technical Issues with an Audit We have found that the SEO of most E-commerce sites is poor at best and has a tremendous amount to gain from a retailer SEO technical site audit. But that can be good for your business. You can take a lead with the right digital marketing […]

Schema SEO Structured Data

Industry Specific Schema Implementation Made Easy

Industry Specific Schema Implementation Made Easy Industry specific schema offers more visibility than you may think. Structure your pages with markup so that eyeballs will see it and users will click on your snippet results. This is good for SEO for multiple reasons. It is critical for search marketing professionals and business owners to review […]

Google SEO Structured Data

Google Rich Cards Report to Gain Fully Enhanced Cards

Google Rich Cards Offer Visible Search Results for an Online Competitive Edge Updated 1.18.2022 To stand out search results competitively in both PC and Mobile Google Search, results enriched through rich snippets further attract the eye of the user through the visible image. Every business needs to innovate in order to stand out in search […]

Semantic SEO Structured Data

Contextual Ontologies and Taxonomies Form the Base of Good UX Design

How Contextual Ontologies and Taxonomies Form the Base of Good UX Design Updated 1.29.2024 How to Build A Website UX Structure That Offers a Great Shopper’s Experience With the buzz of a new year coming, interface experts are revealing their predictions for the coming 12 months for web and mobile prototyping, techniques for maintaining taxonomies, […]

SEO Structured Data

Why Indepth Articles with Long-Form Content are Winning Online

Why In-depth Articles with Long-Form Content are Winning Updated 2.1.2022 The effectiveness of in-depth articles depends much on the context and the articles purpose. The purpose of writing is to provoke thought, discussion, and actions that lead to online sales – not to preach or bore. Today, the insanely hugely successful in-depth articles are often […]

Schema SEO Structured Data

Google Releases New SEO Structured Data Markup

Google Releases New Structured Data Markup That Can Boost Your SEO Updated 9.8.2023 To Soar in Google search results today, You Need Structured Data SEO! The pace of updates within Google’s Structured Data indicates one clear message: usability and user experience matter. These both come first with a focus on how clear and accessible the […]

Artificial Intelligence Google SEO

Cloud Market and Artificial Intelligence Shape Search Trends

How the Google Cloud Market and Artificial Intelligence are Shaping Search Trends Updated 9.6.2023 Small businesses may be balking at what SEO means as they review budget plans. Gain knowledge as to what is happening in the cloud market; AI is shaping which marketing strategies are successful. Technology is forging new views on search marketing […]


Is SEO Vital to Small Businesses for Winning New Customers?

Is SEO Vital for Small Businesses in the 2020s? Is SEO Worth the Time, Effort and Dollars for Small Businesses in the 2020’s? The answer is in the quality of your SEO. Marketing trends, algorithms, what users want, and technology are moving at breakneck speed. Human behavior is largely unpredictable. What it takes to have […]

Google SEO

Optimize Your GMB Listing to Gain Increased Traffic

How to Create a Google Business Listing that Increases Local In-Store Foot Traffic Updated 10.6.2021 Your Google My Business Listing (GMB) is a core aspect of local search optimization and is a key business growth driver. Google offers this opportunity free of charge; you just need it set up correctly and monitor it for opportunities […]

Machine Learning Semantic SEO Structured Data

Structured Approach in Web Content Creation for User Conceptual Search

How to Use a Structured Approach in Web Content Creation for User Conceptual Search Updated 1.18.2022 Semantically structured web pages offering a structured approach to your content creation using Natural Language Processing for site optimization can benefit from predictive data and semantic search mapping to produce excellent results in user conceptual search. User conceptual search […]

Google Mobile Advertising SEO

What is Google Now and How to Use Google Now Cards

What is Google Now and How to Use Google Now Cards to get in Front of Internet Buyers? Google Now is the mind-reading personal assistant created for iOS and Android users; Google’s Discover feed shows content related to user interests. Its latest updates may just transform it into the perfect smartphone and an ideal way […]

AdWords Digital Marketing SEO

Benefits of Combining SEO and Paid Search Team Efforts

Benefits of Combining Earned SEO and Paid Search Updated 3.6.2023 If your site has deep success in earned SEO and your approach to paid search seemed isolated from it, both should share the same focus – solutions found in search that match user intent. We find at least 5 reasons why your business should consider […]

Rich Snippets SEO

Google Rich Cards Stand Out in Search to Gain Competitive Edge

Google Rich Cards Offer Visible Search Results for an Online Competitive Edge To stand out search results competitively in both PC and Mobile Google Search, results enriched through rich snippets further attract the eye of the user through the visible image. Every business needs to innovate in order to stand out in search results and […]

Google Medical Search SEO

Medical Search Technology Relies on Google Alphabet and Big Data

Medical Search Technology Relies on Google Alphabet and Big Data Updated 5.3.2023 The U.S. is learning more as to how artificial intelligence technologies such as machine learning play a major role in shaping daily life; apparently Google regards searches around medical symptoms as significant. Engagement of medical search technology is rapidly expanding, as is new […]

Artificial Intelligence SEO

SEO Techniques Engage Site Visitors by Using Artificial Intelligence

2019 SEO Techniques To Engage Site Visitors by Using Artificial Intelligence News of Google’s RankBrain, the new artificial intelligence machine learning algorithm that is the latest and trendiest from Mountain View, California is changing SEO’s future. Learn how using Artificial Intelligence can improve your web ontologies structure and site rankings. This necessitates a fresh look […]

Google SEO

John Mueller Talks about links Website Ranking Factors

John Mueller: Links and Website Ranking Factors Updated 4.11.2023 Links are a means of transportation to your web pages. There is much talk about the role of backlinks in SEO. This article will look at how to establish a successful long-term link building strategy – and the reasons why getting it right matters. Without an […]

Google SEO

Google Search Console’s Top Beginner SEO Tools

How to Use the Google Search Console as a Beginner Updated April 18, 2023 Is Your Website Highly Optimized to Welcome Visitors with Open Arms? The Google Search Console is provided to businesses free and has a wealth of tools that help decipher site ranking updates. Most SEO and SEM professionals have a whole pack […]

Google SEO

Guide to SEO Google Ranking Changes and 15 Search Strategies

A Guide to SEO Google Ranking Factors for Digital Marketing Success Updated 7.7.2022 The ultimate goal of all SEO efforts is to generate online leads and make money. It is important to understand how Google crawls a website, and decides to rank its content. What’s Your SEO strategy to Keep Up in Google Search Amidst […]


Gain Authoritative site Backlinks to Build Domain Authority

Is a Healthy Backlink Profile Critical to Build Domain Authority? Updated 1.2.2023 YES! It is hard to win sufficient exposure in search results before your business gains a high enough Google TrustRank. Every site needs authoritative site backlinks. There are many factors that directly influence a site’s Google authority including the domain, quantity, and quality […]

Semantic SEO

Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords in Web Content

Shoud you Use Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords in Web Content? Updated 6.5.2023 How businesses use keywords to write effective web content to add value to users conducting Internet searches has vastly changed. Breakthrough “semantic search” tactics are already doing a summersault on many Google™’s search results. If you want visibility online, yesterday’s SEO techniques won’t […]

Analytics Google SEO

Google Analytics Search Engine Optimization Reports

Google Analytics Search Engine Optimization Reports for SEM Experts Currently the Google My Business Insights Report lack key behavioral targeting capabilities. We turn to Google Analytics for data that are critical for SEO personalization on AMP pages. Whether your business opts for the free or paid version, the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) reports available in […]

Digital Marketing SEO

Minneapolis MN Local SEO Optimization Services

Minneapolis Local SEO Optimization Services for Businesses in the Twin Cities Updated September 9, 2022 Potential Minneapolis customers are searching for your Twin Cities business online. You can be found online with Minneapolis local SEO optimization. It is easier than ever for consumers to call you right from your Google Knowledge Graph. You can ignite […]

Google SEO

How Google Crawls Your Website and Indexes

How Google Crawls your Website’s AMP pages, JavaScript and AJAX Last updated: March 6, 2021 A huge “step” forward in how Google “crawls” Ajax content! Google is the best in the world at crawling content within JavaScript and AJAX. However, they are still perfecting it. Do you find it’s a battleground getting your site crawled? […]

Google Semantic SEO

Predictive Search Can Match Search Queries to User Intent

How Google Predictive Search Answers What Internet Users Want Updated 1.24.2022 Connect with Internet Users of any age, anywhere & anytime of day. Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) predicted by computer algorithms based on searches from previous users, offer better answers to Internet search queries. GoogleBot continually gets even smarter when matching specific search queries […]

Analytics SEO

MN Search Summit 2015 Empowers SEM Experts

MN Search Summit Helps SEM Experts Learn Top Google Analytics Tactics The MNSearch Summit is the event to attend when you want to learn all things SEO and Google Analytics related from the industry’s best speakers. Our MnSearch Summit is a one-day marketing conference that draws national SEO and SEM experts together for an awesome […]

Audits SEO

Benefits From Your SEO Progress Report

Getting More Benefits From Your SEO Progress Report Updated 8.13.2021 Since Search Engine Optimization SEO and user engagement to continues to change, the way we report on SEO and website lead conversions must change too. The are many benefits from your SEO Progress Report that you will come to lean on to know if your […]

Audits SEO

12 Key Types of Website Audits and Strategic Mapping

12 Key Types of Website Audits and Strategic Mapping Updated 2.1.2022 Your business website is live and driving revenue, but you want more lead conversions. The next step every business website owner should engage in is a set of in-depth audits that will result in clear action plans to improve search engine optimization. Investing in […]

Google Schema SEO

Benefits of Google Knowledge Graph and SERPs Featured Snippets

Impact of Google Knowledge Graph and Featured Snippets in SERPs Updated 1.24.2023 Google’s latest SERP enhancements are commonly known as “SERP features”. They not only present facts and the now-omnipresent answer boxes which answer a search query directly in the SERPs but also encompass a wide range of enhancements, rich elements in the Google Knowledge […]