JSON Rich Snippets Schema Semantic SEO Structured Data

SEO Schema

How SEO Schema Helps Solve Disambiguation Schema markup can give websites advantages well beyond rich results by clarifying what you say and your content’s context. Schema markup is a great way to overcome brand and content ambiguity challenges by providing additional information and context for your entities. Where statements in your content could be taken one […]

JSON Rich Snippets Schema Semantic Structured Data

Article Structured Data

How to Select the Best Article Schema Type Select from a few Article structure data types to best explain your web page and extended it with types and properties. Article schema data points help build a knowledge rich environment in your Web of Data. Correctly deployed extensible markup for maximum impact also helps your […]

Google JSON Schema Semantic


What is JSON? JSON Schema is a machine-readable vocabulary that you can use to annotate and validate JSON documents. JSON ( ), or JavaScript Object Notation, is an open standard format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute-value pairs. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and a […]

Artificial Intelligence Google Semantic SEO

Ask A Follow-Up Question

What is “Ask a Follow Up” Question in Google’s SGE? Within Google’s new AI-powered Search Generative Experience (SGE), new Question Answering SERPs are emerging; like “Ask a follow up”. It just takes a click on the “Ask a follow up” button or on one of the suggested next steps under the snapshot. This feature empowers […]

Google Rich Snippets Schema Semantic SEO

Google’s Search History of “People Also Search For”

History of “People Also Search For” in Google Search Google is continuously testing numerous designs of the “People Also Search For” (PASF) feature and has been working on them in both desktop and mobile results for years. We see more revisions and expansions as Google’s Generative AI Answer capabilities evolve. This article covers the history […]

JSON Rich Snippets Schema Semantic SEO Structured Data

How to Avoid Schema Markup Drift

How to Avoid Schema Markup Drift A site ontology needs to be consistent to avoid risks of ineffective structured data implementation increase. Google structure data updates occur quite often. This is not under your control. Staying current may mean keeping your products findable or even helping you avoid a manual penalty. Creating high-quality content […]

JSON Schema Semantic SEO Structured Data

Pros and Cons of Implementing Structured Data

Assessing the Pros and Cons of Structured Data Implementation In today’s era of the semantic web, understanding the pros and cons of implementing structured data is giving businesses a lead advantage. Many SEOs are passionate about the power of implementing structured data (SD) but need help with convincing executives to implement it. This article and […]

Machine Learning Semantic SEO

What is Semantic Search?

What is Semantic Search & Why It Matters for SEO Updated 1.18.2022 Businesses can provide more value to their target audience’s needs by using modern semantic search techniques. You’ve meticulously created your web of data so that it’s rich in internal and external customer information. But to truly be effective, their contextual signals need to […]

Artificial Intelligence Google Machine Learning Semantic

What is BERT SEO and Natural Language Processing?

Understanding Searches Better Using BERT, MUM, and NLP Due to BERT, Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the new must-have ingredient in every mobile SEO campaign. You may have heard the proverb “your words determine your destiny”. Likewise, in Search Marketing, how we use words on a page matters. Google’s BERT offers insights on its organization […]

Google JSON Rich Snippets Semantic Structured Data

How to use Google Dataset Search for Dataset Schema

Google Dataset Search: How to use Dataset Schema for Queries Updated 3.2.2023 With the expanding quantities of digital data, search marketing strategists face a growing need to make sense out of the data. Many advanced database applications are beginning to support Google Database Search. As well, SEO’s have new reports added to the Google Search […]

Digital Marketing Semantic Structured Data

Search Marketing Strategies That Successfully Work with Site Redesign

How to Conduct Reputation Research According to Google Quality Raters Guidelines Trustworthy websites have typically done the work of reputation research. Having studied years of Google’s Quality Raters Guidelines, it’s noticeable that they continue to clarify what their examiners are to look for. The reputation of both the business entity and its content authors continues […]

Digital Marketing Semantic SEO

How Search Intent is Reshaping Consumer Journey Mapping

Search Intent is Reshaping Consumer Journey Mapping Updated 6.20.2024 Digital marketing changes most when it comes to the marketing funnel and purchase journey. Today, nothing more powerful than search intent. Consumers have moved past a linear path from awareness to consideration to purchase. They are distilling and broadening their purchase process in unique and unpredictable […]

Semantic SEO

How to use Informational Long Tail Keywords

How to use Informational Long-Tail Keywords To Drive Web Traffic Updated 11.0.2022 Updated SEO tactics that target and marking up possible long-tail keyword phrases will help your website gain better visibility in search results where you want it most. Use them for a better way to connect with potential buyers. Search marketers are asking themselves […]

Semantic SEO Structured Data

Contextual Ontologies and Taxonomies Form the Base of Good UX Design

How Contextual Ontologies and Taxonomies Form the Base of Good UX Design Updated 1.29.2024 How to Build A Website UX Structure That Offers a Great Shopper’s Experience With the buzz of a new year coming, interface experts are revealing their predictions for the coming 12 months for web and mobile prototyping, techniques for maintaining taxonomies, […]

Machine Learning Semantic SEO Structured Data

Structured Approach in Web Content Creation for User Conceptual Search

How to Use a Structured Approach in Web Content Creation for User Conceptual Search Updated 1.18.2022 Semantically structured web pages offering a structured approach to your content creation using Natural Language Processing for site optimization can benefit from predictive data and semantic search mapping to produce excellent results in user conceptual search. User conceptual search […]

Digital Marketing Schema Semantic Structured Data

Benefits That Semantic Search Brings to Digital Marketing

How You Can Benefit From Semantic Search Updated 3.5.2023 Semantic enrichment gives data more meaning, making it more easily discoverable by both users and search engines. Semantic search is changing the way digital marketing should be performed; gain the benefits of semantic search today! Google means to be an “Answer Engine,” trying to provide those […]

Semantic SEO

Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords in Web Content

Shoud you Use Latent Semantic Indexing Keywords in Web Content? Updated 6.5.2023 How businesses use keywords to write effective web content to add value to users conducting Internet searches has vastly changed. Breakthrough “semantic search” tactics are already doing a summersault on many Google™’s search results. If you want visibility online, yesterday’s SEO techniques won’t […]

Google Semantic SEO

Predictive Search Can Match Search Queries to User Intent

How Google Predictive Search Answers What Internet Users Want Updated 1.24.2022 Connect with Internet Users of any age, anywhere & anytime of day. Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) predicted by computer algorithms based on searches from previous users, offer better answers to Internet search queries. GoogleBot continually gets even smarter when matching specific search queries […]