JSON Rich Snippets Schema Semantic SEO Structured Data

SEO Schema

How SEO Schema Helps Solve Disambiguation Schema markup can give websites advantages well beyond rich results by clarifying what you say and your content’s context. Schema markup is a great way to overcome brand and content ambiguity challenges by providing additional information and context for your entities. Where statements in your content could be taken one […]

Google JSON Schema Structured Data

Profile Page Schema for Organizations and People

Profile Page Schema for Organizations’ and People Profiles Google Search uses person and organization Profile Page markup to disambiguate similar creators and in features such as its Perspectives, Discussions, and Forums Search engines are better at understanding natural language. However, this schema type helps them match search results to searchers’ interest in knowing the people […]


Semantic Triples Assist Knowledge Graph Embeddings

How Semantic Triples Assist Knowledge Graph Embeddings Semantic triples and knowledge graph embeddings help content creators establish the topic hubs for which the business entity wants to be recognized. Semantic triples are helpful to organizing and categorizing website content so that search engines can understand, rank, and populate knowledge panels easily. A set of three […]

Artificial Intelligence Google Schema

New Question Answer SERP Types

New Question Answer SERP Types We see the return of “MORE RESULTS” and multiple “question-answer” type search engine results pages (SERPs) tested and displaying various featured snippet formats, like “Questions related to your search.” Learn how to win a new question answer SERP Generative AI Search is introducing more question-answer features going forward. This builds […]

JSON Rich Snippets Schema Semantic Structured Data

Article Structured Data

How to Select the Best Article Schema Type Select from a few Article structure data types to best explain your web page and extended it with types and properties. Article schema data points help build a knowledge rich environment in your Web of Data. Correctly deployed extensible markup for maximum impact also helps your […]

Google JSON Schema Semantic


What is JSON? JSON Schema is a machine-readable vocabulary that you can use to annotate and validate JSON documents. JSON ( ), or JavaScript Object Notation, is an open standard format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute-value pairs. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and a […]

Artificial Intelligence Schema SEO

Using AI and Knowledge Graphs to Maximize Content

How to use AI and Knowledge Graphs to Maximize Content Knowledge panels are hard-won and highly coveted, yet many SEOs and content writers find them mysterious aspects of organic search. Today, we know that large language models (LLMs) are still in early development; and that SEO schema markup is ideal for training machine learning. From […]

JSON Rich Snippets Schema SEO

Implementing How-To Schema Markup

How to Add How-To Schema to Websites You can not only gain How-to rich results but also an How-to Action for the Google Assistant. Before we learn how, let’s explain why you should use HowTo schema markup. Google is driven to provide searchers with informational intent to gain the best instructional search engine page results […]

Google Rich Snippets Schema Semantic SEO

Google’s Search History of “People Also Search For”

History of “People Also Search For” in Google Search Google is continuously testing numerous designs of the “People Also Search For” (PASF) feature and has been working on them in both desktop and mobile results for years. We see more revisions and expansions as Google’s Generative AI Answer capabilities evolve. This article covers the history […]

Google Schema SEO

Improve FAQ Schema with Google’s Tools

Best Google Tools to Improve FAQ Schema This essential schema type extends far beyond your chances of gaining eligibility for enhanced listings in Google’s search results. Whether you do or don’t gain a Google-enhanced listing, or show up in People Also Ask (PAA), all search engines will better understand your question-answer content and expertise. When […]

JSON Rich Snippets Schema Semantic SEO Structured Data

How to Avoid Schema Markup Drift

How to Avoid Schema Markup Drift A site ontology needs to be consistent to avoid risks of ineffective structured data implementation increase. Google structure data updates occur quite often. This is not under your control. Staying current may mean keeping your products findable or even helping you avoid a manual penalty. Creating high-quality content […]

JSON Schema Semantic SEO Structured Data

Pros and Cons of Implementing Structured Data

Assessing the Pros and Cons of Structured Data Implementation In today’s era of the semantic web, understanding the pros and cons of implementing structured data is giving businesses a lead advantage. Many SEOs are passionate about the power of implementing structured data (SD) but need help with convincing executives to implement it. This article and […]

JSON Schema Structured Data

Organization Schema

How to use Organization Schema Organization structured data lets businesses provide details about themselves to search engines in a way that machines can understand. Describing your organization and its content in this way enables machines to treat your web pages and site as a database. It’s not just about using organizational schema; it’s about knowing […]

Schema Structured Data

Author Schema Builds Author Authority

How Author Schema and Bio Pages Build Author Authority Google wants content publishers to remove doubt about who the author of an article is. Every search engine wants to be the trusted platform for searchers seeking correct information. This tasks them with how to discover trusted authors. Before most content marketing managers will add author […]



Schema and its Role in Modern Semantic Search took its name from the word “schema” as a good fit for its purposes to be a reference website that publishes documentation, guidelines, and code examples to using structured data mark-up on web pages. Its main objective is to standardize HTML tags to be used by […]

JSON Schema Structured Data

How to add Local Business Schema

Step-by-Step Guide to Add Local Business Schema Markup Updated 9.26.2022 People constantly search for businesses and information related to their search query. Your business wants an appealing local business knowledge panel. If you are learning about the power of gaining rich results in Google SERPs, this essential type of schema markup will not only help […]

Digital Marketing JSON Rich Snippets Schema Structured Data

Ecommerce Schema Markup Guide

Ecommerce Schema Markup Guide: How to Maximize Product Schema Updated 3.25.2024 Knowing how eCommerce schema markup types are used by search engines and where to invest your efforts can be daunting. Product-rich results in immediate SERPs provide consumers with basic information about a specific product. People want immediacy: this includes informational tidbits like price, a […]

JSON Rich Snippets Schema Structured Data

Essential Types of Schema Markups

How to Find the Most Important Schema Markup Types Updated 6.2.2023 Multiple types of schema help search engines understand and disambiguate what your content is about. In the 2020’s you need the help of machine learning so that your business and what you do is fully understand. Using a range of essential schema markup types […]

Google JSON Rich Snippets Schema

People Also Ask Boxes and Related Questions

How to Get in People Also Ask Boxes and Related Questions Updated 10.10.2023 “People Also Ask” and it’s Related Questions are occupying significant space in Google SERP real estate. Search engines are actually answer machines. Google no longer is sending the same volume of traffic to websites. It’s now seeking to answer the questions that […]

Medical Search Reviews Rich Snippets Schema

Healthcare Patient Review Strategies To Build Your Client Base

How to Create an Effective Healthcare Patient Review Strategy Today, almost every medical business with a marketing plan recognizes the need for a healthcare patient review strategy to build brand credibility and trust. It is a vital component in brand reputation building. Reputation management and positive client testimonials are critical to the success of healthcare […]

Digital Marketing Google Rich Snippets Schema Structured Data

Win Google SERP Clicks and New Customers

How to Win Google-owned SERP Clicks Updated 8.17.2023 Many who have adhered more to an “it’s always worked” search marketing plan are feeling the shakeup in new Google search results. Zero-click searches cause worry about losing clicks through to websites. Is Google the ideal place to connect with consumers? Even if you end up with […]

E-Commerce JSON Mobile Advertising Schema SEO

Schema Enhanced Retail AMP Pages for Best PPC Performance

How to Prepare your Retail AMP Pages for Top PPC Performance Are you still trying to sell your wares from the back of a pickup truck? Or have you advanced your mobile marketing strategies to fast-loading mobile pages and to leveraging AdWords? Today, even organic search is highlighting retail pages within the Google Shopping tab. […]

Reviews Schema

How to Markup Reviews, AggregateRatings, & Critic Reviews in Schema Business Review Markup

Valid Review Structured Data Markup, AggregateRatings, and Critic Reviews Updated 8.26.2023 Review structured data markup may well be the most powerful type of schema, according to the results we monitor. However, use critic reviews and AggregateRatings review markup with prudence; it demands a high level of accuracy. Where it fits, add it to every retail […]

Google Schema Structured Data

Fix Product Markup to Avoid Google Manual Actions

How to Test & Fix Product Markup to Avoid Google Manual Actions Updated 1.26.2023 Web search is focused on product information extraction, personalized searches, and customized knowledge data mining techniques that leverage schema markup implementation. Having your product pages’ content understood by search engines is critical for better visibility in retail search engine results pages […]

Schema SEO Structured Data

Industry Specific Schema Implementation Made Easy

Industry Specific Schema Implementation Made Easy Industry specific schema offers more visibility than you may think. Structure your pages with markup so that eyeballs will see it and users will click on your snippet results. This is good for SEO for multiple reasons. It is critical for search marketing professionals and business owners to review […]

Schema SEO Structured Data

Google Releases New SEO Structured Data Markup

Google Releases New Structured Data Markup That Can Boost Your SEO Updated 9.8.2023 To Soar in Google search results today, You Need Structured Data SEO! The pace of updates within Google’s Structured Data indicates one clear message: usability and user experience matter. These both come first with a focus on how clear and accessible the […]

JSON Schema

Using Ecommerce Microdata or JSON-LD Markup Improves Online Sales

Essential Ecommerce Schema Useful for Shopping Carts How to Improve e-Commerce sales by Implementing Ecommerce JSON-LD Markup If your site has a shopping cart or you sell online in the mobile world, prepare your website for e-commerce sales in advance. Read our tips on how to optimize your AdWords account and site’s content to be […]

JSON Rich Snippets Schema

How to Obtain Google Answer Boxes in Search

How to Provide Answers Visible in the Google Quick Answer Box Search Results Updated 8.25.2022 We are seeing a substantial rise in the number of Quick Answer Boxes served up by Google in search engine result pages (SERPs). This is about answering the user intent faster and is changing the scope of what defines SEO. […]

Digital Marketing Schema Semantic Structured Data

Benefits That Semantic Search Brings to Digital Marketing

How You Can Benefit From Semantic Search Updated 3.5.2023 Semantic enrichment gives data more meaning, making it more easily discoverable by both users and search engines. Semantic search is changing the way digital marketing should be performed; gain the benefits of semantic search today! Google means to be an “Answer Engine,” trying to provide those […]

Audits Schema Structured Data

Schema Markup Website Audits

Schema Markup Website Audits Updated 8.21.2023 As our digital marketing services evolve more into the Semantic Web, we can help your business engaging Google Schema Mark-up data to improve your site’s visibility. By conducting a Schema Markup Audit, you can discover new ways to integrate website semantics and avoid penalties. Schema markup website audits can […]

JSON Rich Snippets Schema Structured Data

How to Gain the Benefit of Snippets in Search Results

How to Gain the Visual Boost of Rich Snippets in Search Results Updated 2.21.2024 How does your business stand out to a crowd of shoppers? Learn how to enrich your sales efforts in search results by leveraging product data with structured schema. Get in front of potential client eyeballs with SEO tactics that have proven […]

Google Schema Structured Data

Google Structured Data Updates Prepare SEO’s for the 2020’s

Updates to Google’s Structured Data Documentation Updated 11.3.2021 In essence, structured data markup paints a picture of your website’s content. Google structured data updates are not just for search engines. Schema implementation helps people find your business, while simultaneously, you gain the benefit of optimized content that viewers want and consume, eye-catching visual search results, […]

Google Schema SEO

Benefits of Google Knowledge Graph and SERPs Featured Snippets

Impact of Google Knowledge Graph and Featured Snippets in SERPs Updated 1.24.2023 Google’s latest SERP enhancements are commonly known as “SERP features”. They not only present facts and the now-omnipresent answer boxes which answer a search query directly in the SERPs but also encompass a wide range of enhancements, rich elements in the Google Knowledge […]