Google JSON Schema Semantic


What is JSON?

JSON Schema is a machine-readable vocabulary that you can use to annotate and validate JSON documents.

JSON ( ), or JavaScript Object Notation, is an open standard format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute-value pairs. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and a web application as an alternative to XML. Although originally derived from the JavaScript scripting language, JSON is a language-independent data format. Code for parsing and generating JSON data is readily available in many programming languages. The JSON format was originally specified by Douglas Crockford. It is currently described by two competing standards, RFC 7159 and ECMA-404. The ECMA standard is minimal, describing only the allowed grammar syntax, whereas the RFC also provides some semantic and security considerations. The official Internet media type for JSON is application/json. The JSON filename extension is .json.

Why use JSON?

JSON Schema is a declarative language useful for describing and validating JSON data. It is commonly used with APIs, but it only describes the data itself. Meaning, you can use the format in other ways, too.

It can be used to:

  1. Validate API data: Validate data sent and received through digital API endpoints.
  2. Validate configuration: Validate structured data configuration.
  3. Describe existing data formats: Describe the structure, constraints, and data types of existing JSON data formats.
  4. Create onelinedocumentation: Assist in the creation of structured documentation that is easy to consume by humans and machines.
  5. Useful to establish online entites.

JSON Schema offer a comprehensive mechanism that all major search engines use for validating JSON data against predefined rules and constraints. It ensures that the data complies to the expected structure and data types. In turn, this prevents the use of invalid or unexpected data.

It is also the schema format that Google prefers and that most coders and tools rely on. We recommend conducting weekly JSON schema markup audits to catch both errors and new opportunities.

JSON Schema is a powerful way to validate the structure of JSON data and your on-page schema markup before publishing. However, learning to implement it by reading its specification is like learning to build a house by studying hundrends of blueprints. It requires expereince, patience, and continutal testing. For example, there are specific image sizes for valid image schema.

JSON mappings are intended to help your organize and structure content while improving the SEO on our website. It lets you put your words in the language that Artificial Intelligence uses and understands. When used to “explain” your question answer content, you can gain visibility in Google question answer type SERP.

What are JSON documents made up of?

JSON Documents are made up of basic values (strings, numbers, integers, the boolean constants or null). They can also be ordered or unordered lists of key:value pairs. Try using JSON Schema to specify that documents may any of these.

Five basic value types supported by JSON Schema:

  1. boolean
  2. integer
  3. number
  4. null
  5. string

A combination of JSON, AI, and Knowledge Graphs enrich your content, and you’re better prepared for the future of search.

The JSON-LD language is useful for SEO Schema.