Artificial Intelligence Digital Marketing Google SEO

ChatGPT and Generative AI Make Expert Authors More Valuable

ChatGPT and Generative AI Still Need Expert Authors

Do ChatGPT and Gemini do better marketing? Are Generative AI Tools more of a threat or help to Authors?

Effective content marketing is more important the content ease and volume. More low-quality content can never compete with sincere attempts to publish the best page on a specific topic. I’m hard-pressed to see where recognized, authoritative authors can be replaced by an automated content-writing tool. However, every author should be aware of automatically generated content and how it impacts their publications and author profile. It’s best to ensure that the content you want to be known for is content that you can proudly stand behind.

Table of Contents

Will AI-generated content Impact my Author Profile?

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) and other forms of AI-generated content may impact your publications and author profile. The impact of GAI will vary by niche and the level of topic-related content that is available. It’s important to consider how Generative AI technology is evolving. After all, authors, content marketing managers, and SEOs continually need to architect their SEO tactics and content strategies. In April 2022, Google’s John Mueller indicated that content written by AI falls under the category of auto-generated content, which could lead to a manual penalty. However, today, authors must consider not only what AI is already doing but also what it may achieve in the future.

Writers are either learning to leverage generative AI, dismissing it for the time being, or ignoring it altogether. What is rapidly increasing is the amount of AI-generated publications. Poor and inexperienced writers are prone to use it more; expert and experienced writers have less need to use it. However, this underscores the importance of implementing author schema markup so that authors can be more easily recognized and quoted.

Multiple competing sources now challenge the dominance of the popular OpenAI maker of ChatGPT. Microsoft Sydney and Google Bard AI are among the newer generative AI systems that may produce more advanced natural language content formats that are rich with answers. A clear reason why the answer engine is investing so much in LLMs can be found in this quote “Advances in AI would supercharge Google’s ability to answer an array of search queries…” from Sundar Pichai, chief executive officer of Google’s Alphabet Inc.

It’s best to recognize current chat-based search benefits, limitations, and problems. That said, early adopters have the best roadmaps to improve as it advances. You can follow along with Bard AI updates. Or learn here how to update your content strategy in preparation for further advancements.

Generative AI makes author expertise and high-quality data more valuable.

How much ChatGPT and Gemini AI answers will impact content writers’ author’s knowledge panels is still unknown.

The concern is that many of these erroneous answers may go undetected by many readers. It takes having a discernable benchmark of truth to recognize many of these AI chatbots’ “qualifications”. If you are already familiar with a topic, you can more easily identify a false and misleading statement. Or even skim readers may miss an appropriate context and assume a misstatement as truth.

AI technology is expanding explosively and digital marketers, content managers, SEO professionals, and writers are all asking legit questions. Currently, these automated Artificial Intelligence responses are generating more questions than clear answers.

Should authors assess AI writers as overblown hype?

An original, expert, authoritative author cannot be replaced. While OpenAI has accomplished amazing feats with products such as Dall-E, Jasper, and ChatGPT, they remain dependent on good prompts and human quality checking. The future looks promising that they will be capable of scaling to answer billions of prompts per day reliably. Many are questioning how they will attribute sources. Authors aware of current and evolving processes will have more critical knowledge of how this influences their Author Knowledge Panel and authoritativeness.

Google is showing publisher and author souces in its Search Generative Experience (SGE).

Like others, Prometheus, the new Bing AI, seeks the ability to talk in a human-like fashion and to do so more knowledgeably than other sources users can leverage. It may display a ‘readers digest’ collection of a set of results in a SERP, but it needs to verify better and handle conflicting data inputs. People want to know if it is quoting an authoritative author or its own AI-generated content.

Google’s AI Knowledge Graph is impressive for having less error tolerance while seeking to remove existing errors before moving data into its Knowledge Vault. The better structured, factual, and sourced your content is, helps build an author’s E-E-A-T. Conversely, avoid writing anything that could be taken as misleading or manipulative for gaining an “unfair advantage” in search rankings.

“ChatGPT and the like are pretty good a re-writing or reorganizing, but not good at originating or authoring. In content, it may create an adequate content brief for a writer, but it doesn’t replace the need for a writer. A human who can resolve conflicts in information. – @brodieseo

Part of coming to grips with what is changing amidst the rise of AI writers is understanding what we already do and don’t know.

Unanswered questions about Google Bard, Syndey, and ChatGPT

  • Who is given author attribution with the majority of the content piece ChatGPT or bot-generated?
  • Is content marketing threatened or recolonized by this fast-developing AI technology?
  • How do original content writers compete with Google Bard, ChatGPT, or Microsoft’s Bing AI?
  • How might this change copyright infringement issues if AI training is used in content production by people who hold copyrights (explicitly or implied)?
  • Should we or should we not try to prohibit AI Tools from scanning our content?
  • Or how will the digital marketing sphere be transformed by AI technology in the near future?
  • Does ChatGPT attribute the answers it gives to the sources it draws from?
  • Do the sources it borrows from actually gain any clicks from it?
  • Could AI answers win displays in People Also Ask boxes?
  • Should content writers be required to inform their content marketing managers of their use of AI-generated content?
  • With AI bots surfacing answers, will the need for search share decline?
  • How should AI systems behave, and who should decide?

Even if we gain all the answers to the above questions, we still need to take this further – on a personal level.

Does Generative AI Content hurt or help your brand?

The answer is – it depends. We can no longer ignore the impact of AI tools. Every author and business now needs a more in-depth focus on market research to determine GAI’s impact on your personal or business brand. The quality of your publications and experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) make a big difference. If you are using ChatGPT, another generative AI tool or not, you need to know their impact on your niche in search engine result pages (SERPs). Generative AI content may change your competitive sphere, where your answers display, and whether or not you win SERP clicks.

Two months post-launch, the AI chatbot ChatGPT attained 100 million users, making it the fastest-growing internet app ever. With Google introducing Bard and Bing sharing its new Sydney AI-powered search engine, search is quickly evolving. While AI tools save authors’ time, using them may produce generic content that misses your audience. Many misstatements have already been offputting. Authors need to protect their personal brand reputation by avoiding out-of-context content. Especially, YMYL content can hurt society by what an unedited generative AI tool might say.

Should Authors use Generative AI Technology?

Since AI tools accelerate your work, it’s an individual decision. Use with caution.

  • Edit each content piece thoroughly before publishing.
  • Be skeptical of the content’s accuracy, tone, context, and helpfulness.
  • Double fact-check any claims it makes or statistics it produces.
  • Identify problematic segments, vagueness, unhelpful parts, and nonsense; then improve.
  • You know best when your audience feels spoken to! Adapt and personalize so they can identify your brand and connect with you.

I like how the Mayo clinic believes in “augmented intelligence” over “artificial intelligence”.

“ChatGPT takes artificial intelligence into a new realm, one that can create real value and palpable harm. But we don’t believe in artificial intelligence, we believe in augmented intelligence — that is to say, as humans, giving us a statistical analysis of data of the past to help us make decisions in the future is wonderful. However, turning the decision-making over to a statistical model is fraught with dangerous possibilities.” – Preparing for the World of Generative AI, John D. Halamka, M.D., M.S. February 1, 2023

It’s not wise to largely rely on ChatGPT and other AI generation tools to provide consistently helpful, factually correct information. Author expertise is more important for YMYL content that can impact the user’s health or financial security, safety or well-being. For example, Mayo Clinic consistently works with real-life experts with topic-related expertise to produce and/or review content accurately.

This is a massive change for search. While there is still much we don’t know, those who are learing along the way will have an advantage.

Why Should we Care about Generative AI Answers?

Authors, publishers, SEOs, and digital marketers need to care because the rise of AI-generated content will continue.

There is no way to ignore the impact of new chatbots that leverage conversational Artificial Intellegence to an advantage. We must care since:

  • AI is already being widely adopted and Google is competing in this arena.
  • Early adopters have the opportunity to learn and grow faster in this space.
  • User engagement matters. Focus more on authoring content that your readers want and that builds relationships.
  • You are the best for adding your personal tone and flavor. A machine can never be you.
  • It’s your brand SERP, revenue, and future business that will likely be impacted.

Most technologists agreed that AI models are getting good enough to mislead some people into thinking they are having conversations with a real, intelligent human being. This and other AI advances inspired some authors to revisit which systems are safe and effective, do not discriminate, data privacy is respected, and readers can ask for a human alternative.

While the technology powering ChatGPT-3 and others have the potential to disrupt various niches is exciting, generative AI is still an infant and cannot be fully relied upon. The marketing world buzz will continue to assess various types of AI and machine learning. Many are already incorporated into SEO strategies used every day. Even If a chatbot isn’t part of your current authoring strategy, understanding various AI systems and knowing how they can be leveraged will help you better complete tasks with less effort.

SEO in the Age of AI

We continue to see an upward trend in generative AI and search; Microsoft Bing added the “Web and Chat” to its webmaster tools. SEO schema will help specify audience types that help your content be visible and remarkable. ChatGPT is using the @ to include chats and surface related content.

OpenAI’s summer 2024 pitch deck to news publishers promises priority placement to qualifying partners in chat conversations and payment contingent on “display success”. “Members of the program receive priority placement and “richer brand expression.” With the increased importance on building your brand entity, this helps get in Google Discover.

If using any Generative AI in YMYL content creation, check how well they gave basic introductory information in response to the search query and pushed the user to consult with their doctor. This is critical when optimizing healthcare content to be featured in AI Overviews.

AI Content is Sourcing Niche Expert Authors

Subject matter experts are showing up in generated AI Content.

Businesses and authors that have established topical trust seem to be more often sourced. This premise supports the reasons to develop your E-E-A-T assessments. Currently, content creators can continually work on being the source of truth for their audience’s immediate needs. Seek a position where Generative AI outputs include your data above others. You might consider it as an author’s race in pursuit of impressing the AI.

Google trains its 16,000 Quality Raters to discover across the internet the best and worst quality websites. It has also just updated its Quality Content System [1]to do an even better job. This significance of helpful, trusted, expertly authored content remains.

“Finding a negative (missing content) is hard work. It takes reading and deep thought around the concept to realize what’s missing. Uncovering the need nobody else is addressing is how you strike keyword gold.


The threat of using ChatGPT for keyword research is falling in love with its ease. The real value of good SEOs still comes in doing the hard work of nuance and recognizing negative space. (Once AI can do that, we’ll have new threats to discuss.)


Especially as systems get more intelligent at delivering what people need, the human differentiator of assessing the psychological nuance of keywords will become more important.” – Barry Schwartz

Additionally, automated question answering is sourcing factual-supported content to some extent. This may increase the value of using Fact Check schema markup to win in SEO. Information retrieval augmented generation — which empowers an LLM to conduct web searches and refer to external documents — offers a promising path to improving factual accuracy.

Using machines to put language into patterns needs to improve its ability to differentiate between fact and fiction. It helps to follow the introduction of Knowledge Base patents, especially entity extraction, and search engines might manage verification and cross-referencing.

The 2022 Stanford University artificial intelligence report states that most generative models are truthful only 25% of the time. [2] Relying largely on generative AI tools has the potential to deepen distrust in both authors and businesses by lowering the barrier to creating misinformation. These bots are getting spanked in the news for sometimes inventing facts and writing them up in a very plausible manner. And yet, Standford expects the trend to rely on generative AI tools to continue. It reports that 103% more money was invested in the private investment of AI and AI-related startups in 2021 than in 2020 ($96.5 billion versus $46 billion).

With GAI being still new, whether or not authors and publishers will gain links is uncertain. Hopefully, authors and publishers will be credited for their content. Screenshots of the future Bard AI go without citations. This is concerning to writers and SEOs as we hear that the researchers had the attribution issue in mind even then.

Google Bard is showing Search and knowledge panels, maps and more to all users. It also has added source links and “Related Topics”. More is surely coming. Barry Schwartz and others are reporting that Microsoft Bing is testing not showing the citations or links to publishers by default for some queries in the Edge Sidebar. [3]Rather than displaying links to the publishers/authors, it’s showing “click to view”. Only when the readers take a click action is Bing revealing citations or links.

Springer Nature, the world’s largest academic publisher, says AI assistant writing tools like ChatGPT can’t be credited as authors on papers. [4]While this relates to publications in its thousands of journals, it may set a stance that others follow. What’s fundamental is transparency and clarity. It should be clearly stated who authored it and how a paper is put together and what [software] is used. “Trust” lies at the very heart of how excellent content should be produced and communicated. Many authors have developed an open-disclosed pen name; however, creating a pen name for the purpose of “hiding” something is not a positive.

It’s incumbent on us as a marketing community to focus on the positive uses and GAI’s potential, and then to responsibly regulate and curb the potential misuses in-house. Again, one has to keep in full focus that there is tighter scrutiny when writing on healthcare-related topics. Someone’s life or pain level may be influenced by what you say.

Google Cares if AI content is truly helpful and accurate

Google’s revised guidance on the role of AI content proposes that website owners be upfront and transparent with everyone when the content is originally generated using AI. “Google stopped short of recommending that site owners list AI as an actual author name in author bylines, but they did encourage site owners to clearly reveal to their readers the extent to which AI was used in the content creation process”, according to Lily Rae.”

I like how she talks about working with real-life experts in her The Role of AI Content in SEO article. When it comes to healthcare articles and financial content, “not doing this is dangerous and can not only get you in trouble with SEO performance but potentially with users as well’, Rae states.

Google has often implicated that auto-generated content is associated with low-quality journalism. It seeks to suppress that in its automated search results. Google’s search algorithms continually advance to determine exactly who created the content. “They want to know that person’s an expert or has a lot of experience. They want to be able to trust that person—trust the brand, trust a website”, continues Rae.

AI content generation has only made the role of good human editors and subject matter experts more valuable. It’s important to remember that your relationship to your customers and potential audience is very personal, and generative AI technologies are as good as the data accessed.

Marie Haynes: Using Google Bard to Spark Ideas

Vidoe with Marie Haynes about using ChatGPT to write YMYL content.

Dr. Marie Haynes invited me to meet with her and discuss the importance of your brand having E-E-A-T, being recognized as an expert on your topic, and hiring expert authors for YMYL topics. Dr. Haynes shares useful ways to use ChatGPT to help improve writing ideas and concepts. The Google Bard icon that displays when using it resembles a sparkle. I think that is fitting, as it is meant to “spark” ideas.

After our conversation, I asked Google Bard the following question.

Is the Bard writer safe to use for healthcare topics? Or is it better to have an experienced, expert human writer?

“It is best to have an experienced, expert human writer for healthcare topics. Bard is a large language model, and it is not trained on healthcare-specific data. This means that Bard may not be able to understand the nuances of healthcare topics, and it may not be able to generate accurate and up-to-date information. Additionally, Bard is not able to provide medical advice, and it is not able to diagnose or treat medical conditions. It is important to seek medical advice from a qualified healthcare professional if you have any questions or concerns about your health.


However, Bard can be a valuable tool for healthcare writers. It can help writers to generate ideas, to research topics, and to format their content. Additionally, Bard can help writers to proofread and edit their work.


When using Bard for AI healthcare topics, it is important to be aware of its limitations. It is important to use Bard as a tool, and to not rely on it for medical advice or treatment.” – Google Bard

6 Cases When Human Writer’s Expertise is Best

  1. Readers seek real human experience behind an author’s opinion.
  2. Topic expert humans can be the best arbiters for generative AI.
  3. Nothing replaces authors who have a relationship with their audience.
  4. Experienced authors who creatively problem-solve.
  5. Businesses seek to meet their long-haul content objectives.
  6. Personal experience reviewing a product.

It’s powerful to have the ability to discern best practices in the midst of AI content adoption. Authors and SEOs can together best navigate its role in a data-centric, performance-driven content creation strategy. The launch of ChatGPT prompted many publishers to schedule editorial and management strategy sessions with their lead author-contributors. Topics discussed often are how to deal with the generated content, possible copyright issues, authorship, and plagiarism.

Considerations and tactics for expert authors in the midst of the Generative AI Revolution:

1. Readers seek real human experience behind an author’s opinion.

AI will always be seeking to sound human; that’s because it lacks human advantage. It only borrows from others’ writings. A bot cannot have first-hand experience with a human audience. It never will. Generative AI Systems seeks to “replicate” real emotions or sentiments within the content it creates, but it remains at best “a replication”. Google added a new E in E-E-A-T to stress the need for the author’s Experience when writing, for the very reason that – it cannot be generated the same by AI. Only human content authors can add real-life qualities to words.

2. Topic expert humans can be the best arbiters for generative AI.

A subject matter expert’s edits and content reviews nurture confidence and trust.

Every search engine is seeking to provide its users with very specialized high-quality data. If and when, generative AI systems are used, topic expert human authors are very valuable for the training of prompts and data quality. Expert authors can establish and identify information quality issues better than machines.

3. Nothing replaces authors who have a relationship with their audience.

Google documents stress the use of authorship, author bylines and bios, author reviewers, contributors, etc. Its quality raters look for transparency about the content creation process and creators. They seek to identify a clear purpose for each content piece that will be uniquely helpful to user experiences. An identified author is the relationship role that human content creators have with their readers.

LLMs are not perfect conversationalists. While generated AI may produce helpful first drafts of emails, letters, articles, computer programs, reports, blog posts, presentations, videos, and so forth; it cannot replace one-on-one-human conversations.

4. Experienced authors can creatively problem-solve.

Niche expert authors can leverage their “sixth sense” that experience often give them; the ability to problem solve creatively. This often leads to offering creative solutions to try to solve new problems. Authors don’t need to understand blocks of code, formulas/scripts, tabular data, language translations, licensing for commercial use, etc.; they can rely on a skilled SEO to amplify their answers in search so that they are findable, meaningful, and helpful.

As well, topic experts can more easily recognize AI content created with chatGPT. Even if it’s grammatically correct and has zero typos it’s often just a lot of fluff on the topic that repeats formerly published ideas. It simply cannot replace what an author with years of experience in a specific niche can write.

Personally, I love a good read where you can “feel” the author’s intent to be helpful behind their writing. And, I can reach out to them personally if I have questions, wish to hire them or present a possible partnership.

5. Businesses seek to meet their long-haul content objectives.

Business owners and authors with Author Knowledge Panels may explore the concept of LLM-based knowledge management along with Knowledge Graph inclusion strategies. Finely-tuned content management includes creating tailored content for reaching an entity’s ultimate goals. Here the wisdom applies of – “Don’t take shortcuts because they take too long.”

“…publishers with the large volume of high-quality unique content and with armies of professional editors, reviewers, and content-creators are likely to benefit from the battle of the titans for dominance in generative AI.” – The Unexpected Winners Of The ChatGPT Generative AI Revolution by Alex Zhavoronkov, Ph.D., an expert in AI for healthcare and longevity biotechnology [5]

“…should content writers panic? That depends on their skills. Sure, AI content might eventually replace the generic, boilerplate content companies crank out like an assembly line to build a web presence and drive traffic to their affiliate links (looking at you again, CNET). And there will always be companies that want this ho-hum content because, well, it’s cheap.


But this will also drive even more of a need for high-quality content that emotionally connects with its audience. Writers that can nail the tone of voice and make content stand out will be in demand. Experts with opinions will become sought-after celebrities. And behind every great article will be editors and fact-checkers, the real MVPs of the ChatGPT revolution.” – Why Marketing Content Writers Shouldn’t Be Afraid of ChatGPT by Carolyn Albee[6]

Maintain awareness that multiple factors influence how quickly and how well content ranks in SERPs. Factors like topical authority, keyword competitiveness, domain authority, content quality, internal linking, load speed, XML sitemaps, etc. come into play.

6. Personal experience reviewing a product.

AI answers cannot realistically include a personal experience with a product. Where buyers with commercial intent what trusted human experiences, human writers’ content might convert much better because visitors are further along in the user journey. How chatbots reference one site over another to send high-intent traffic to remains unclear. It’s likely that SEOs may seek to have their brand/site included in AI answers in the future, similar to featured snippets optimization.

While adding structured data is very helpful, similar to publishing user-generated content if it’s ultimately your site that it resides on, quality matters. If the content is bad (with or without structured data), then you’re publishing low-quality content. The same is true if you publish product review content and implement aggregate review rating schema.

So, if you use Generative AI Tools for one reason or another, what risks should authors be aware of?

What are Potential Risks of using Generative AI Tools?

The risks and benefits of using ChatGPT or other generative AI writing assistants can be balanced with an “Augmented Intelligence”.

Current Issues with Generative AI systems:

  • A lack of transparency.
  • Limitied by their latest training data.
  • For many topics, there are significant flaws since trusted knowledge changes rapidly.
  • Digital AI tools often rely on unfiltered internet and social media content.
  • Often misalign context even while the documents they generate read smoothly and their logic appears sound.
  • Source content flooded with misinformation.
  • Lacks the ability to be unbiased.
  • Lacking the ability to match the intuitive judgments of an experienced person.
  • Lacks creativity with fresh concepts.

These downsides are best held in a balanced persepecive. We can maintain a clear focus on what is most important.

Quality Content Remains More Important than How it’s’s Generated

Great content that has the ability to create positive experiences for your potential customers is an important asset.

Google cares less about how content is generated. What is important to the tech giant is quality content. Authors should create content for people and demonstrate their experience, expertise, authoritativeness, and trustworthiness – not for manipulating rankings. Google’s past statements have been harsh on the topic. Seeming to keep pace, it published an updated statement about AI Content.

“Appropriate use of AI or automation is not against our guidelines.”

Google has invested years and significant dollars to fight automated spam. It also now states:

“…it’s important to recognize that not all use of automation, including AI generation, is spam.

“…however content is produced, those seeking success in Google Search should be looking to produce original, high-quality, people-first content demonstrating qualities E-E-A-T.”


When it comes to automatically generated content, our guidance has been consistent for years. Using automation—including AI—to generate content with the primary purpose of manipulating ranking in search results is a violation of our spam policies.

Google has many years of experience dealing with automation being used in an attempt to game search results. Our spam-fighting efforts—including our SpamBrain system—will continue, however, spam is produced.


This said, it’s important to recognize that not all use of automation, including AI generation, is spam. Automation has long been used to generate helpful content, such as sports scores, weather forecasts, and transcripts. AI has the ability to power new levels of expression and creativity and to serve as a critical tool to help people create great content for the web.


This is in line with how we’ve always thought about empowering people with new technologies. We’ll continue taking this responsible approach, while also maintaining a high bar for information quality and the overall helpfulness of content on Search.” – Google

Google advises authors that are considering the use of generative AI tools to maintain a focus on meeting E-E-A-T guidelines. Clearly, exceptional and original content will continue to be rewarded in Google Search. Google’s guidance on creating helpful, people-first content is updated with a new section on Who, How, and Why. These are questions that authors should be asking themselves when writing their content. [7]

The Generative AI Era means embracing technology

Synthetic data insights created by AI trained on real-world data sets can produce a helpful outline for a new article. We believe in both testing and embracing the Generative AI Era – but cautiously. Our ability to connect generative tools to existing data and our modeling systems could become incredibly useful. By using generative AI to make variable data sets based on consumer or segmented audience data, one can write with very targeted intent.

Generative AI is helpful to clean, filter, identify, and fill in data and even explore new insights. Use generative AI to model data like audience behavior, product design, and physical retail environments. This is where a search marketing strategist is essential to authors.

Whether writing a new content piece, determining keyword grouping, or creating images, for product descriptions, the uses of generative AI models are only beginning. The physical world authors function in will become more machine-readable; at the same time, the content will be more clickable and searchable. There will be new interfaces and new ways to research, create, and navigate content. If you are ready to begin, we’ll offer a few suggestions.

Table Comparison of Top Generative AI Tools

Generative AI Entity Description CEO and Founder URL Release Date
ChatGPT and ChatGPT 3 ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer follow-up questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. ChatGPT is a sibling model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response. Samuel H. Altman: CEO of OpenAI ChatGPT November 2022
Google Bard Bard is an experimental conversational AI service, powered by LaMDA. Built using Google’s large language models and drawing on information from the web, it’s a launchpad for curiosity and can help simplify complex topics. This artificial intelligence (AI) tool will initially be available to select testers initially before it is released to the public. Sundar Pichai: CEO of Google and Alaphebet Google Gemini updates Coming in 2023
Prometheus, Bing AI Promethean AI is world’s first Artificial Intelligence that works together with Artists, assists them in the process of building virtual worlds, helps creative problem-solving by suggesting ideas and takes on a lot of mundane and non-creative work, so You can focus on what’s important. Andrew Maximov: CEO and Founder Promethean AI February 2023
DALL-E 2 DALL·E 2 is a new AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language. It relies on deep learning models developed by OpenAI to generate digital images from “prompts”. Aditya Ramesh: Co-inventor DALL-E 2 November 2022
Landing AI™ It pioneered the Data-Centric AI movement in which companies with limited data sets can realize the business value of AI and move AI projects from proof-of-concept to full-scale production. Includes LandingLens™. Andrew Ng: CEO and Founder Google’s Landing AI September 2017
Jasper Chat Jasper is an artificial intelligence (AI) content platform offer Generative AI as a cutting-edge technology that seeks to formulate the right prompts to achieve the best outputs. It’s meant for marketing and sales departments, and authors to continue writing faster and easier. Dave Rogenmoser: CEO Jasper AI December 2022
Midjourney Midjourney is an independent research lab that produces an artificial intelligence program under the same name that creates images from textual descriptions, similar to OpenAI’s DALL-E and Stable Diffusion. It is speculated that the underlying technology is based on Stable Diffusion. Brandon Kaplan & Cathy Hackl: Co-founders Midjourney AI November 2022 (alpha iteration of version 4)

By 2025, 30% of outbound marketing messages from large organizations will be synthetically generated, up from less than 2% in 2022″, according to Jackie Wiles” Her January 26, 2023 Beyond ChatGPT: The Future of Generative AI for Enterprises article covers many use cases. Wiles encourages ChatGPT users to, “Work with security and risk management leaders to proactively mitigate the reputational, counterfeit, fraud and political risks that malicious uses of generative AI present to individuals, organizations and governments”.

Hill Web Marketing leverages platforms that support prompt engineering and generative AI for SEO. Authors that are supported by SEO-friendly workflows for text generation have better results in both in-depth informational content and eCommerce-related content. We are aware that Google is advancing its ability to distinguish between helpful content written to add value to people versus another motive. Meaningless content authored and published that lacks sufficient human editing and monitoring is against Google’s guidelines. That is true content spam.

Here is a good way to wrap up. Google’s Search Liaison, Danny Sullivan, states that it is important that a human has oversight when it comes to using AI-generated content. He said, “right now, there are well recognized issues with AI generated content, so human oversight is important if using it to create content. [8]

SUMMARY: How ChatGPT offers Unseen Opportunities to Authors

Publishers and authors can work with a current SEO in modern content optimization techniques. Conversely, SEOs must update techniques to align with AI advances. Together you can best evaluate how new content may be misused, taken out of context, or misinterpreted. One process to thwart such possibilities is leveraging the assistance of fact-checkers.

We are the keepers of integrity in the midst of evolving and disruptive technology. Great content that will always likely be sourced (and linked to) is where your recommendation(s) solve issues.

ChatGPT vs. Google Gemini vs. Bing Chat vs. Claude

With many people trying one or all of them, the big question is, “Which generative AI solution is best?” Because I do various medically oriented queries, and given that these are YMYL topics, each tool is cautious when responding.

Disambiguation helps sort data. Attempts using a variety of queries that encompass a level of disambiguation were something like: dentist, physician, orofacial pain specialist. All healthcare-related AI-generated answers were poor. Sites that leverage SEO schema will help specify audience types.

We’d love to hear from you as this conversation develops Call 651-205-2410 for SERP Analysis to Understand ChatGPT’s Influence on You











Vidoe with Marie Haynes about using ChatGPT to write YMYL content.